SERN is a transnational network of 57 local and regional authorities in Sweden and Italy, particularly in the Emilia-Romagna area. The network was founded in February 2005 with the main objective of developing in a structural manner the relations between its members in the two countries.
The main objective of the organisation is to foster relations and exchanges of good practices among the members and therefore to create a model of cooperation stretching over several policy areas and involving different levels of government and at the same time a plurality of actors like educational institutions and NGOs. Over the years SERN has promoted more than 120 projects/activities of collaboration mainly in the field of education but also in the framework of welfare policies, environmental questions and local and regional development.
The activities do not include only projects but exchange of information, peer review activities, exchange of personnel among the public authorities of the network. The network has adopted a strategy in 2019 that provides particular attention to the development of processes of cooperation among the members in the field of education.
Liceo Moro is a large upper-secondary State school in with three pre-academic courses: Scientific Liceo, Applied Science Liceo and Linguistic Liceo. Two extra options (Mathematics Empowerment and a second language) have recently been added to the curriculum of some Scientific Liceo groups, while the Linguistic course has now an ESABAC option for students of French. We have now about 1,600 students, with 120 teaching staff and 30 administrative/janitor staff. Our school is positioned a short distance from the center of Reggio Emilia, a middle-size city of about 160,000 residents, also a university city. About 50% of our families commute from neighboring towns or smaller communities.
Folkunga is an upper secondary high school in Linkoping, Sweden. The school was built in 1914. The school has educated pupils for over 100 years. The school has about 1480 pupils. Around 700 attend the compulsory school (age 10-16). The upper secondary school holds 780 students (age 16-19). Staff employed around 170. The school is situated in the city of Linkoping which has around 160000 residents. Linköping has a university which harbours around 23000 students. Students who perform their studies in Folkunga´s upper secondary school attend three national programs as below:
- Arts
- Economics
- Social Science
The Scuola Italiana Statale in Madrid is an institution established in 1940 with a bilateral agreement among Italy and Spain. After the World War it went on pursuing its main aim that is promotion of Italian language and culture, with a full integration in its educational plan of the two main cultural elements, Spanish and Italian, in a frame of tolerance, democracy, respect of any culture, plurilingualism, creative and innovative teaching methods.
There are 4 school levels, all in the same building: preprimary school, that is attended by children from 3 to 5 years old ; primary school, with around 400 pupils from 6 to 11 years old, Lower secondary school, ( scuola media) with around 180 pupils, and High school – Liceo, with 180 students.
The curriculum of the upper secondary is based on Italian National “ Indicazioni Nazionali” with a strong integration of Spanish language, with an integrated Spanish curriculum starting from the first year of primary to the end of the fourth year of Liceo. The school has been participating in KA1 projects funded by the Spanish National Agency and therefore the school is fully recognised as educational institution in Spain. Established as an “ Italian school for Italians abroad” the school is year by year widening its horizons and becoming a bilingual school.
CARDET is one of the leading research and development centers in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. Is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, eLearning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalized groups. One of our core-strengths is our ability to carefully plan, implement, execute and evaluate projects in various contexts.